

Even if I only post once a month what we're currently up to, I'm determined to do it - I really want to have this blog and be able to look back in the future at where we are now. I saw this 'currently' linkup on the faith, football & fairytales blog, I decided to join in!

Making: Lots of shirts, a few party invitations, and always new things at my day job! Shaeken, LLC has been steadily busy, which absolutely still blows my mind and makes me thankful every day for the chance to chase my dreams. Aside from our glitter backpacks (still 3 available at the introductory price!), we haven't done any preorders since Valentine's Day, but have still had several custom shirt requests, which I always love to do. One of my favorites, pictured below, was an Easter tee for a coworker's adorable daughter. I'm currently working on a birthday onesie for our friends' one-year-old, team shirts for cheerleaders, and a couple of workout shirts, to name a few things!

Monogram leggings are my favorite these days!

Easter Bunny Ruffle Tee

Wishlisting: you know you're old when on your wishlist is more 'house stuff' than fun stuff!! I am wanting to get some sort of freestanding pantry to add more storage to our kitchen/dining area! I'm dreaming of something with an open area perfect for my Keurig and KitchenAid (or Keurig and toaster if Matt has his way...we'll see!).

Cleaning: our cooktop! When we moved in, there was a horrible burn stain on the cooktop. My aunt told me about CeramaBryte when we were baking for Easter and my stove hasn't been the same since. I was able to get the burn mark off, and now I'm just constantly keeping it buffed to a looking-brand-new shine!

Posting: on Snapchat (@shaeken) and #FightHunger everywhere on social media! Click here to see how you can join the Fight Hunger. Spark Change. campaign just by posting to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat!

Tasting: At the moment, water with MIO added. I don't like the taste of the water here at work, so I tend to gravitate toward diet coke way.too.often. They upped the prices on the vending machine this week so I'm taking that as a sign to STOP with the diet coke! I've been drinking my Spark in the morning and occasionally in the afternoon - Green Apple is my favorite followed closely by Fruit Punch.


  1. House stuff is fun stuff, but yes I must agree that now that I’m adulting and have a little guy in the house I am most definitely wishlisting house stuff...mostly because I tend to get bored easily and apartment living doesn’t leave much in the way for sprucing things up or doing any fun renovations. Glad to have found you and your blog via the Currently linkup!

  2. I love your hashtags on that Instagrammed picture of the cleaner!! Haha all the laugh-crying emoji's. Yay for linking up!

    1. Haha, thanks! I truly do love that cleaner...my husband can testify how much I talk about it!

  3. Monogrammed leggings - so fun! And I feel you on the house wishlist... mine seems never ending. Thanks for joining our linkup!

    1. Thanks, Anne! They are one of my current best-sellers - I've had several customers ask for a second pair with a different color monogram so they can wear them with everything! #GlitterIsANeutral :)

  4. Wow! I'm going to need to buy some of that CeramaBryte! We have an awful burn mark on our stove top that I've been trying to clean off for weeks! Thank you so much for sharing.

    I stopped by via the link up and I'm very glad that I did! :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by!! You'll have to report back if it works as well for you as it did for me :) We bought our house 2 years ago, so a couple weeks old burn mark should be easypeasy!
