

I don't claim to be an NBA expert or superfan, but I am a fan and I am pretty super, and if we're honest, we all know I have lots to say, so there you have it.

Round 1, game 2, Thunder-Mavs. Nothing brings people together quite like the love of a game, and I [actually] enjoy putting aside our state-dividing orange and crimson line for a moment to cheer for the Thunder Blue!

What a game. But really, what a year... We know this team is capable of awesome things, so awesome in fact that I have decided to refer to these things as Thundersome, which is, as I explained to a friend*, like awesome only better.

It seems, though, that we get roller coaster games frequently as of late, as in these recent Thunder-Mavs games - the deciding shot was literally down to the last second. But something I tend to forget in the frustrating moments of these games, where I'm like "Seriously, KD, a three?!" is the age of most of these players who are carrying the excitement of a city on their shoulders.

In two days, I'll be 23 (yay!). These guys are literally my age. Nine out of the 15 on the roster are 25 or under. I am just so thankful that I'm not the one carrying that weight! It's been an absolutely incredible season. I'm so excited to continue watching and cheering on our Thunder through the playoffs and in the coming years. They hold so much promise and such an exciting future.

So, Thunder boys, on the off-chance you accidentally stumble across this little blog of mine - mad props. You, gentlemen, are Thundersome, and I heart you. Espeically on Thunderful (wonderful) nights such as this.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="#thundercrush"][/caption]

A real Thunder blog can be found here.

*Hey Chase, here's mention #2.


"Love...will always prevail over evil."

Today was the 12th annual Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. I didn't count how many of us went, but just off the top of my head, I think about 25-30 of us met at AmPo high school at 4-ish this morning to drive up together. Amazingly, "our parking lot" was available - I'm not giving away the location but I'll just say it's awesome enough that I'm amazed we get to park there every year. We walk to remember Blake Ryan Kennedy.

The Kennedy kids & friends who participated in this year's race, surrounding Blake's chair. 
Blake's cousins Kolby, Avery, Addison & Ainslee
Blake's family members who participated in this year's race.

Earlier this week, I also was remembering my sweet cousin Cameron, who went to be with Jesus 10 years and two days ago. This time of the year always brings about memories. My heart hurts and I still don't understand it. But I look around and see the green grass and the blooming flowers this time of year also brings, showing me a promise. A promise that though I might not ever understand the storm, the pain, the tears, God will bring beauty, hope and comfort to those who are faithful.

Quote from the announcer prior to the beginning of the 5k.


don't forget...a very special 31 special!

Help me celebrate turning 23! :)


PS - If you need Mother's Day ideas, let me know... I have plenty, and they're personalized :)


Weren't we cute, awkward outfits and all?

This was before she turned rotten. Kidding!

Also, sorry for getting this stuck in your head all day... Mmmbop
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHozn0YXAeE?rel=0&w=640&h=480]
(The "when you get old and start losing your hair..." line CRACKS me up)


animal style burgers and other nonsense

Nine days ago I promised you an update on my weekend life. Clearly, it hasn't happened. To make up for it, I give you Instagram pictures and other random thoughts.

A tornado touched down in Norman while I was at work. While the following is a funny picture making fun of our Okie view on tornadoes, they aren't laughing business. My heart is with those in Woodward who hit by the storms. Unfortunately, I've been in their shoes and losing everything in the blink of an eye is no joke. Continue to remember them in your prayers.

After we were given the all clear, I headed to Texas to see Caylee and Oakley! Caylee and I went to the mall, In-N-Out* and Ikea (love) with Momma Bear, Kim and Steph, and I helped build a bookshelf. Ballin'!

I went to the park with Julie & Kiera, roasted marshmallows with the family + Keely and received my long-awaited Birchbox**.

OH! I almost forgot (okay, not really). Book your Thirty One Party with me before Wednesday, May 2 and you'll get a super special gift! (Check out 31 here)

*If you don't like pickles, don't get animal style. I thought it was like cheese or something. No, it's sauce, with pickles. Wondering what I'm talking about? Look here.
**If you're thinking of subscribing, DO IT! I agree with Abby, the lipstick/cheek stain they sent this month was AMAZING...well worth the $10/month subscription! Click here to join!

***Also, Cassie is raising money to be a St. Jude Hero! Go support her and St. Jude here! (Fun fact: we share a birthday.)***


Celebrate with Thirty One!

Help me celebrate my 23rd birthday! Our new catalog starts on Tuesday, and I get older on Wednesday. What an awesome week!

If you book a party between now and next Wednesday (May 2), I'm giving YOU a gift!

Be the first to book your party, and EVERYONE who attends your party will also get a gift! I'm just that excited to celebrate.

Ready to book? Email me: shaeken@okstatealumni.org.

PS - be the first to mention my blog and I've got an extra special gift for you. Just because you're that awesome, and you heard it here first.

Love, Shae


We Remember

I was organizing my closet just now and had to pause when I saw my Memorial Marathon medals hanging on the wall. It hit me that 17 years ago tomorrow, Timothy McVeigh set off a bomb at the Alfred P. Murrah Building that would kill 168 men, women and children, including my cousin, Blake.

I remember that day, and the days and weeks that followed, as clearly as my little mind could capture them. I was five, in kindergarten. Blake was 18 months old, and I remember playing hide and seek at his parents house with him and Steve. When I learned of the bombing, I was at my Grandpa and Grandma Sparks house. I was too little to really get it, but I knew my family was sad. For a long time afterward, I can remember thinking he was just hiding, that miraculously they would find him somewhere in OKC. I don't have any eloquent words or exciting stories. Just some advice.

Hug your family extra tight tonight. Say I love you and mean it. Chase your dreams. Tomorrow is a gift, not a promise, and you never know what it might bring.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLrHPJ_nn9U&w=420&h=315]

Oklahoma City National Memorial


Take me out to the ball game

Last Thursday was a pretty good day. Why am I just now writing about it? Because it ended late and was followed by an amazing weekend, which will also get written about. Things have to go in order, you see.

My friend Chase and I scored front row tickets to the Redhawks game to take our youngest brothers, who are certain to be future big leaguers.

I'm a baseball fan, but I'm glad Kale was with me. He definitely had to say "duh, sis" a few times during the night...like when I asked what a curve ball was. He's a good little brother, so he played along :)

I think he had a blast, but I'll let you be the judge.

PS - the random slushy at the beginning of this? That was from a training class I had on Thursday, and it was delicious. That's all.


Dear Googler, Part 3: Steer Butts?

Recently, several of you have found my bloggie via a humorous little search term.


The first time I saw this, I waved it off as someone going deep into search results and accidentally landing on my blog.

The next few times, I thought it was strange, but again, dismissed it.

Again tonight, someone found my blog by searching steer butts. So of course, I finally decided to Google steer butts myself and see what comes up.

I can't even make this up.

Apparently, thanks to this picture in this post, I occasionally show up in searches for steer butts (can I just abbrev to SB? thanks). I had no idea my family having cattle would cause this to happen. But let's back up a second. Yes, I had a photo of a steer butt in a blog post. It was about a livestock show. But WHY, people, are you so regularly searching for SB's? Can't you just walk outside and see one? Are you wondering what a normal one looks like? Are you needing help with it? Are you from the city? Wondering what kind of meat comes from one? I don't know enough about SB's to have anyone landing here because of this search. So I apologize to the next person who will find me using this search term. However, if you'd like to let me know why you were Googling SB's to begin with, I'm interested. Maybe I'll start answering your looming SB questions, or at least find someone qualified enough to do so.

Bless your heart. :)


heels and guns

Last night on Twitter I promised you guys a blog post today to talk about my long weekend of epic gun shooting and baseball awesomeness. Well, here it is.

The weekend started off with the "opening day" of AmPo little league regular season baseball. Go Panthers :)

Baseball happens to run in the family I guess, because I happen to have a very talented cousin playing baseball at OKWU in Bartlesville - Go Eagles! Friday brought a double header vs. Hillsdale, so we headed up to watch Bear play ball.

Bear's roommate, Shane, hit a home run during the game!

Look at my studly cousin. Sorry ladies, he's taken.

Of course, Saturday night we colored eggs, and I baked! Poor Kale would have never agreed to spend hours working on getting these eggs looking so awesome if he would have had any idea what we would do Sunday...

I know traditionally people the Easter bunny hides the eggs in trees and grass for little kids to find, but really, what's the fun in that when you're a grown up? After church and lunch on Sunday, the Kennedy/Hardy group decided to put our own spin on things. We went out to the pasture, loaded with guns and ammo, and really hunted our eggs!

I even participated, in heels!

Thankfully, I dodged any cow patties and my beautiful Antonio Melani heels are still beautiful and cow poop free! I'm thinking this form of egg hunting might just have to become a tradition :)

Also this weekend, I got a new purse from ThirtyOne, I made two more scarves, and I continued my excitement over Vote YES passing!

Happy Monday, ya'll, I hope your week is great. Hearts!

(Also, if you're my Grandma and still trying to figure out what to buy me for my birthday, look here!)


sprinkles & glitter

Every year around this time, my dear family, you have the same complaint.
"We don't know what to get you for your birthday!"
This year, I'm fixing that.

Just go visit sprinkles & glitter, my birthday wishlist Pinboard.

Love you all :)



Wonderful Wednesday

This week has been kind of blah. It's rained, I've had a headache, and I've been so tired. But Wednesday, it was time for that to change.

So, I drove to Edmond, the land of stupid traffic and construction. I always think how nice it would be to live so close to things, then I go visit friends and realize I hate traffic and would go insane.

I pulled up in front of Laine's house and my Jeep looked so pretty and cleanish sitting there under a tree.

We take a nice drive around and see a pretty rainbow.

And then we saw this sign...

On this road...

And could only say CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!

So off we went, ladies and gentlemen. It's muddin' season, according to Laine.

It was a great evening with great company that definitely helped take this week from blah to ah! :)

Go enjoy the little things, grab a good friend, take a back road, turn up some JAB and take time to smile. Be blessed.