
Back porch sittin'

We got back yesterday from a magical week at the happiest place on earth - Disney World. I've been 25 for 8 days as of today and married for 7. And now, I'm sitting here on my new back porch - because 7:00 was too late to go back to sleep and seemed too early to wake up Matt or to start laundry (one load left to do from vacation - who am I, doing all this laundry!?), but was absolutely perfect for coffee and Jesus time. The birds were chirping a good morning song and Thabo (Matt's our dog) needed to be let out, so my coffee cup, Bible and I retreated outside for some sweet moments before the world Mustang, OK decided to wake up. Something about this particular peaceful, porch-sitting, coffee-drinking, Bible-reading morning reminds me of my momma... except there are no cows mooing in the background, and the "barn" in my backyard is a cute little dollhouse shed :)

There's so much of the last 4 months - the planning, the parties - and especially May 3, that I want to share, so be excited for future posts! As we got off the plane yesterday, I got a text from my mom telling me she was looking at pictures!! Of course, I rushed to open my email and immediately I saw one from our wonderful photographer, containing a link to view all the pictures she took! I can't wait to share them.

Well, my coffee cup is empty and it appears the world is starting to wake up, and Thabo is eating grass (or maybe my garden - please, oh, please, let it grow!), so bye for now