

Sometimes when I'm trying to go to sleep on Pinterest, I find things that are absolutely hilarious. Since I secretly* have a competition with Matt to see who can send the funniest picture every day, this comes in very handy. Since occasionally we all need a laugh, I decided to share some of my recent funny finds with you. Also, you should follow me on Pinterest. Or Twitter. Or Instagram.

Source: i.qkme.me via Shae on Pinterest

And finally, the most truthful eCard I've ever found: 
Source: someecards.com via Shae on Pinterest

*I guess Matt knows about the secret competition now. Except I'm pretty sure he already did, because who wouldn't have a secret competition like this with their boyfriend? Plus, he's winning anyway. 


February CaraBox

It's time for another CaraBox reveal! This month I was paired with Falen and Brooke, and Brooke sent me some delightful goodies!

Since it was Valentine's month, Brooke sent me a date-night themed box. Clearly, nail polish & lip stick were necessary to get ready (and Essie's Braziliant is an awesome shade, Brooke!), along with gum for no stinky breath. Since Matt is a pizza lover, Brooke sent a pizza making kit, along with a movie and candy to complete a great date night.

Thank you for the CaraBox, Brooke! As soon as this wacky Oklahoma weather stops acting up (meaning the roads aren't frozen over), we fully intend to make good use of the awesome box of fun!

Want to sign up for CaraBox next month? Head over to Kaitlyn's blog now! 

Cara Box


Weekend Rewind

Happy Monday! Here in Oklahoma, we are expecting blizzard-like conditions within hours, and yesterday it was 65 and clear. Seriously we experience every season in a day at times.

Anyway, Friday evening was spent watching the absolutely filthiest basketball game I've ever witnessed. Not only were the refs horrible (I'm not even being biased here), but the other team was trying harder to hurt the Panthers than just win the game. At one point, there was a kid attempting to break my brother's ankle. AmPo won, but not without a few battle wounds.

Saturday morning my brothers went to a stock show, where they won Grand and Reserve Grand with their steers (best and second best, FYI), so they had a successful morning! I spent the morning trying on bridesmaid dresses for a friend's wedding that will be this summer! Unfortunately, Kaden's afternoon didn't go ideally, as the Panthers lost and the season ended. It was a great run and I enjoyed watching them all year. I am so proud of how hard Kaden worked all year!

My afternoon was much better than that, though! After a stop to play with Thabo (who can finally play again after hurting himself a month ago!), Matt and I went to the mall and the movies! It was Chick Flick weekend - we saw Safe Haven, which I mostly loved, minus the ending because it was kind of confusing. Clearly I don't want to give it all away here in case the rest of you don't pay attention to the IMDB scores and watch poorly rated movies like I do, but I really enjoyed it. I tried convincing Matt it was a bit of an action film since I gasped a few times, but he wasn't having any of it. #lame

Sunday after church we ate lunch at Aunt Kandi's, and not only did she fix my favorite guac, she fixed the most delicious enchiladas I have ever eaten! My Aunt Nell was headed back to home after being in town to watch my cousin (her son) play college baseball, so of course I enjoyed spending time with her.

Hauling hay after church? #SmallTownLife

Kale needs to work on his picture taking. 

I made the mistake of going to Walmart as the rest of Oklahoma decided to stock up on bread (Impending snowstorm, Oklahomans act like we aren't getting out of the house for a ahead), and let me tell you, it was quite an experience. Not only were the absolutely no shopping carts (until I have carried my awkward bulky purchases around the store and checked out, of course), but I bought a gas card to get three cents off on my way out, and I left it at the register, and didn't realize it until I got to the gas pump. Thankfully it was at customer service, but seriously could I be any more forgetful?

Instead of watching the Oscars like most of you probs did, my Sunday night was spent with a very sleepy family watching the Thunder play the Bulls. At the half, they were winning, which is when I decided I needed to go to sleep and officially end a wonderful weekend.

Happy Monday, friends, make it a great one!


Be Happy Friday

I'm that girl who listens to the Sports Animal all day every day (yet last night Matt still questioned that I had even heard of Kyrie Erving. Really?), and Traber's Be Happy Friday music is always a good reminder that it's almost 5:00...another week survived :) Kidding!

Anyway, I wanted to share a little Be Happy Dance Party with you on this Friday...the Harlem Shake, RFBO-style!

And that, folks, is one of the many reasons I love my job.

In other news this week, my latest Birchbox came in (review coming soon!), I got an invitation to the Phi Lamb 25th anniversary celebration and a new stylus, all on Tuesday! Like, for real, Tuesday rocked.

Oklahoma decided once again to turn into a winter wonderland on #WhatTheHeckWednesday. I'm not even kidding with that hashtag, all day long I just wanted to say "what.the.heck." because everything about Wednesday just annoyed me. It didn't help that Starbucks mixed up my coffee and it was disgusting and they were mean. Or that both the Cowboys and the Thunder lost. 

Molly looks as sad as I felt during the OSU game.

On Thursday, Kaden played basketball and won! Tonight I'm headed to another game, so you can expect pictures. Until then, here's a little #tbt magic for you. 

Top left: Me & Caylee before Wicked!!
Top right: me and Daddy doing a 3-leg race at Dad's Day.
Bottom left: Matt & me at Bedlam 2011
Bottom right: Me, Caylee & Steph
And that's it. Happy weekend!


A Weekend Update, with Magnet Girl

Some of you might remember the time I was walking and got hit by a truck, back in 2009. It was quite an event, but I recovered and aside from a few scars and a fear of crossing roads you can't even tell there's a thing wrong with me. However, I should have known that something that weird was only setting me up for even more weird things later in life. Things like getting backed into by a bus, on the road.

Friday morning on my way to work, yes, a bus backed into me. That's why there was no high-five Friday post - I wasn't feeling too high five-y, so I didn't want to share anything high five-y. I don't really feel a need to get into details on the blog, but everything's basically okay, it just threw my morning for a loop...and reinforced my fear of gigantic moving vehicles. Oh! I was in my jeep this time, so that's a plus. No bus-pedestrian accidents!

Anyway, other than that, things you missed out on hearing about on Friday include:

1. Valentine's Day!!
I was literally a walking Valentine. Thank you, Ann Taylor Loft and Gap, for providing the perfect outfit, and to one of my sweet coworkers for buying a me Passion Tea Lemonade to match as well!

Matt treated me to an absolutely amazing evening - complete with a fancy dinner and beautiful roses, and guys, those roses are still blooming! He clearly knows how to pick good ones. I contributed by making the one food I know I make well: rice krispy treats :) 
Could they get any prettier? Like seriously. Good job, Matt :) 

2. Oklahoma weather is still wacky. It snowed. 

3. Kale won his basketball game, and I found a place in Chickasha with Diet Cokes almost as good as The Barn in Stillwater: Dave's Cave. Now if only I could find such a place closer to where I work!

I'm completely fine with the court storming, to be honest. I did it once, it was fun. But the rowdy wasn't back when I did it, it was just a huge upset and there was no choice (which is why I did it while injured, thanks to that truck incident I talked at the beginning of this post). People, we've all been complaining about the lack of rowdy in GIA. I don't know how many times I've heard "bring the rowdy back" lately. Well, the rowdy was brought. Yes, it was an incredible win over OU, but it was about more than Bedlam, I think. The court storming was more about the energy of the place and the real GIA being back. Plus, most of the students who stormed the court haven't been there before, so this was big to them. The last legit court storming I remember was in 2010, which means the seniors were freshmen (Please correct me if there's been another one since, but I don't remember it.). Also, by haven't been there before, I literally mean they just haven't been at the games. A note to current/future students - buy the tickets. Go to the games. I don't like t.ford either, but support the team and, for the love of orange, bring the rowdy. 

5. Kaden played in Districts. They played hard but lost, although I'm sure we'll like the outcome of this Thursday's game much better. The only picture I have from the evening is from Matt and Molly. I'm pretty sure my pug likes him better than she likes me. #howrude

6. Yesterday, Kaden took me to lunch (okay, we drove his new truck to lunch. Since when is he old enough for this?!)

7. I ended the night snuggling by the fire with Molly watching the NBA all star game. 

Great weekend? I think so. Goal for the week: avoid semi trucks. :)


1 Corinthians 13

At church this week, the message was over 1 Corinthians 13.

I shared this from YouVersion while doing the stream:

And, because Instagram pics aren't exactly printer friendly, I made this to share:

Happy love month, ya'll.
I'm so thankful to be loved by the One who promised love never ends.


Weekend Recap!

Good morning, bloggy friends! 
Sidenote: I never used to write center aligned,
it's a recent thing, and it's staying around for a while. Maybe. 
How was your weekend? Good? Sweet.
Tell me about them, like in the comments, or in your own blogs. Dealio?

My weekend? It included awesome people and lots of fun. This clearly equals an awesome weekend.
I wore neon orange heels to work on Friday just to ensure I could kick the weekend off in style.

This weekend, as so many others have as of late, started off at the AmPo gym for Panther basketball.
AmPo girls and boys both beat Minco Stinko, as I called it growing up. Since it was an AmPo/Minco game, my wonderful twin and #BabyTate were at the game (Lori, is it okay that we've officially hashtagged your kid?). Tate fell asleep on me, which of course I didn't mind. He was wearing AmPo green to support Kaden & the Panthers, even though he started the night in a Bulldog outfit. 

Saturday morning started with more basketball (a weekend theme, btw), in the form of Kale's YMCA team.
After watching them kick some booty, I headed to Yukon to get my camera fixed.
I haven't expressed my annoyance here, but guys, when a camera goes out of commission two weeks before Christmas, you kind of want to cry. Then, when they keep it for almost two months to fix it and six days after you pick it up it gives you the exact same error message, you get a bit annoyed. Especially when you've been told this screen is practically the equivalent of the blue screen of death. #pcprobs. So, I took it back, and apparently although they'd replaced the motherboard, they didn't fix everything that was wrong, and there is still something wrong with the way the camera communicates with lenses regarding image stabilization. Possibly. We'll see. At least they aren't charging me this time.

Saturday afternoon, Matt and I watched basketball (I told you it was a weekend theme), and thank goodness our Cowboys got another W! T.Ford & the 'boys are onto something with this whole winning on the road idea. :)

Anyway, after an afternoon of basketball, Matt took me to Cheesecake Factory!! It was delicious. After dinner, we each picked a flavor of cheesecake, so we could try them both. We picked Hershey's and Reece's, which they accidentally swapped out for Snickers, which was delicious too, so really it didn't even matter. This cheesecake was so rich that we ended up with at least half of both pieces left over. The Snickers one is sitting in my refrigerator tempting me as I type. 

^That, my friends, is a good date night. Of course, I didn't get a picture, so just pretend you haven't seen this one yet since Matt likes the Pete 'stache so much, even though it's totally being reused from this post.

Sunday after church the family headed to Grandma & Trapaw's house to celebrate the cutest little almost-five-year-old I know - Julie! Miss Sassy Pants might have found her present from me earlier in the week (clearly it was makeup, nail polish, etc...everything her daddy - my uncle - wouldn't want her to have!), but I quickly covered so she still was surprised when she opened it (I think).

Before leaving my grandparents' house, Trapaw was sure to pass out Valentines Day presents! He's never missed a chocolate box delivery :) 

I ended the weekend with - what else - basketball! The Women's Basketball version of Bedlam was Sunday, so clearly I watched that and wore plenty of orange, followed by Thunder vs. Suns/the Grammy's. I think we all know what I watched more:
Oh, Nick Collison. #ThunderUp


Happy Friday!
Yes, I like putting "happy" in front of every day of the week.
It makes me more thankful for every day, and reminds me than even Mondays are a blessing.

This was a great week.
How great? I'll show you.

I bought some detangling spray.

I think the last time I used it was yesterday 1992 and I'm really not too sure why I ever stopped. But, thanks to Meg & Caylee helping me brush my hair a few weeks ago, I decided I needed some. This stuff is amazing. Why the heck did little me ever decide to stop using it? Whatever the reason, it is back in my life and made my hair much easier to brush. Oh, and on the hair note, I dyed my hair. I am working on having mermaid hair (in length), and while I will never go full-on red, adding a little red to my brown head works perfectly. And my ringtone is now Little Mermaid. #NoJudging

I made Pistol Pete Mustaches (and Pigs in a Blanket) with Matt.


Guys, Matt knows his Pigs in a Blanket, and he said the ones I made were good,
so this must mean I'm onto something when it comes to cooking. 

Oklahoma had some really pretty sunsets.

I pulled off the side of the road (no driving paparazzi here) to snap this picture of the sun
peeking around my Pistol Pete car scent. I was on my way to my grandparents' house,
where we celebrated my Granddad's 70th birthday!! Happy birthday, Granddad!
We had a "throwdown" - shrimp, sausage, corn and potatoes - and it was delish.

I added new pages to my blog.
I added two new pages to the blog - Pretties & Printables, which features phone backgrounds, printable decorations, and whatever other "pretties" I create, and a link to the {Fantastic}Fonts series I do attempt every Thursday. That page will be updated weekly. I also added a new iPhone background, pictured above.

And tonight, it's Panther vs. Bulldog Basketball, meaning Lori & Baby Tate will be at the game.

You can bet Tate and I will be having many hilarious conversations. 


iPhone Love

I decided my phone needed to feel the love, since it is with me 24/7, so I made new backgrounds!
See, Daddy, I can admit that my phone never leaves my side!

These are for the iPhone 5 - to use, just click through to get to the full size image, save to your phone and set as background. If you like them but have a different phone, email shaeken@me.com and I'll make one just for you! 

Lock Screen Image:

Home Screen Image

{Favorite}Fonts - Week 3: Valentine's Day Edition!

There's a little love in the air this month, ya'll. I've designed a few printables to share, but if you'd like to design something yourself, here are a few fonts I love. #SoClever 

PS: If you need a card for your sweetie (don't forget, Valentine's Day is only a week away), let me know! I had a blast designing the one Matt's getting! :)


Volunteering is fun, ya'll.

The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma made a cool video about volunteering.
Check it out. And, you could also like on Facebook and follow on Twitter. Please?

Where is your favorite place to volunteer?

A note: I am a an employee at the Regional Food Bank.
I did not get any special treatment for posting this video;
I just liked it and wanted to share. Thanks for watching. 


Don't tweet that!

My weekends definitely have a trend of being awesome lately. With girls weekend last weekend and all the fun this weekend brought, too, I'm thinking I'm onto something great. 

I'm backing up a little before the weekend to Thursday for this update. Matt sent me a text midday asking me to go shopping. Clearly my answer was yes. Seriously that is the most rhetorical question ever. Me + shopping = happiness. While we were shopping, I realized boy shopping is much less colorful than girl shopping. Meaning, last weekend at the Outlets, Meg, Caylee & I bought two things total that weren't full of color. Total, meaning between the three of us. Thursday evening, all I saw were shades of black and grey (except for the pair of corduroy pants Matt tried on to humor me). Seriously boys, doesn't that get boring after a while? Ha. 

Friday was senior night for AmPo, and the Lady Panthers easily defeated Fletcher. The boys game brought about a bit more entertainment competition, but the Panthers ended the game with the W. #GoAmPo
That #33 kid really makes me proud.
Alright, now before I tell you about my Saturday, you must know I classify movies into two sections: boy movies and movies I like. Meaning, if the majority of males I know would like it, it more than likely is scary, bloody, etc. and I won't like it, hence the term "boy movies." And if it is princess-y, pink, lovey, etc. they more than likely won't like it, therefore, movies I like.

So, Matt and I were discussing what movie to see, and the conversation went something along the lines of him wanting to see a "boy movie" and me giving him a look. You see, I don't like zombies...not that I've ever given any sort of zombie anything a chance, but still - I have decided at some point I don't like them. Matt wanted to see Warm Bodies, aka a zombie movie. Finally after watching the trailer and reading a review, I agreed to watch it - it might not have hurt that he told me we would go to the mall movie theater to see it and go early enough to walk around (again, duh I will go shopping! I think he's catching on...). Apparently IMDB gives some sort of color/number rating, and getting a green rating is unusual, so when Matt saw this was supposed to be good, clearly it peaked his interest, because he loves movies (I, on the other hand, haven't seen most movies). I will admit, after the movie was over, I looked at him and said something along the lines of "you were right, that was a fantastic movie!" The zombies weren't even too scary!
^That guy has good movie taste, ya'll. 
I played with Thabo on Saturday, too! 
Sunday was the Super Bowl Puppy Bowl Beyonce Concert Destiny's Child Reunion! Lori and I made plans to have lunch at Grady's, but Tate fell asleep right when we were supposed to meet. They gladly agreed to let me take our buffet as takeout, and I headed over to Lori's with food. By the way, Tuttle friends, GPG is open again and the lunch buffet today was great - especially the mashed potatoes! I can't wait to visit for the full menu.

After Lori and I finished lunch, she got called into work, so I got to spend the afternoon with Tate. And this, my friends, is when the weekend took an interesting turn (warning: does involve baby body functions. nothing too gross, I can't handle that).

Tate and I did very well playing and taking a bottle. Then he spit up on his blanket. No biggie, I'd just grab another. Then he spit up on that blanket. Then he had a really, really wet diaper. So, like any good Auntie, I took him to change the diaper. As I was walking in to change him, he spit up on my arm. Cool. Apparently he was full of it, because as soon as I took his diaper off, he decided I need a shower - and so did the floor, the changing table, his socks, etc. A bit later, he decided I needed to have all my clothes in the laundry, and spit up on everything he hadn't wet on. Of course, the fun couldn't end here, because I also got to deal with a dirty diaper and another spit up episode before his mommy got home. Clearly, at that point, he'd got it all out of him, because he didn't make another mess all night. Mind you - this whole time, he made the cutest little smiley face. Lori: "You should blog about it, Auntie Shae!" #done

When Lori got home, we watched the Destiny's Child Reunion (because clearly we all know that was the best part of the Super Bowl the only part we watched) then went on to watch Pitch Perfect. I finally get all of the movie references now! I'd just like to point out how much of a movie watching weekend I had. #winning! Lori and I had many, many twin moments, all of which I cannot share here because they all resulted in one of us saying "Don't tweet that! It didn't happen!" And by don't tweet, clearly we mean don't share at all with anyone even your dog. Duh.

Before I left, I had to teach Lori to do a perfect bun, which clearly resulted in a hair bow for me. 

And that's my weekend, in more than 140 characters. For shorter updates, follow me on Twitter. Happy Monday!