
What's a 3 day weekend?!

Late last week I learned that I had a three day weekend this weekend. Three whole days off all at once? Okay, I won't argue!

Saturday I went to the OSU game, and I must eat my words say, Keiton Page brought it. 40 points & 20/20 at the line. That's legit, and I will say I was actually impressed with KP. Now, bring that to Norman on Wednesday night and let's kick some sooner tail!

On Sunday, I went to Katie & Jared's house! They must have the cutest kid ever. I love her, and her tiny toms.

Speaking of Toms, I want some new ones. Have you seen their flats? If someone wanted to buy me some, I wouldn't object.
Tom's Ballet Flats
Anyway, back to KJ&P. I loved catching up with them. We had pizza and Sonic drinks for dinner, and Jared bought Sonic's new sweet potato tator tots. DELISH! (my phone autocorrects to all caps when I type that. oops.)

Yesterday, Julie came over to hang out. We played dress up, painted fingernails, and played with her new baby doll.

We also "played colors" on my computer. She's a real future artist - she doesn't use Paint, she uses Photoshop.

Definitely an amazing, relaxing and successful 3 day weekend. So thankful for it.

I need new running shoes. Any recommendations? The ones I'm wearing are from my freshman year of college when I was an Upward Basketball ref...meaning they're old ancient. I don't like shoes that make my feet look wide. I wear a size 5-6, so I don't need any help in looking like I have hobbit feet.

Thanks AK for the reminding me of that any time I might forget, btw. :)


Emily's car dies

I know, my title is so original. But it's true, this post is all about the death of my dear Emily's car.

Yesterday Emily and I decided to go have ourselves a little dinner and catch up on life. It ha been a week or two since we had seen each other and we are both "let me tell you every last detail of my story" people. Not that you could guess that by reading my blog or anything.

So we are driving to meet each other, and I pull up, and I'm sitting at Norman Panera, because it is our default eating place, and I get a call from Emily.

"My car died. Like dead won't move completely not working." "where?" "where I-35 south merges to main street east..."

Oh my goodness. BAD location. Cars driving crazy, getting off one busy highway and on to a busy street. Never fear, Shae to the rescue! I pulled up, and found this:

Emily's car in the exact spot where you get on the road. At least people could get around her and no one hit her. We got in my car and started driving round to figure out a plan.

So after an hour of calling my dad, freaking out and calling Good Sam, I was glad we had that membership. They sent a tow truck and we were on our way to a repair shop. By the way, Good Sam customer service was a little rude, and they didn't seem to understand why we weren't sitting in the vehicle located where people merge onto the road. Speeding cars, still vehicle, sounds like a good idea to me too.


This picture not brought to you while the car was moving. Red light people. Calm down. I don't believe in texting and driving.

When we got to the repair shop, the man was super helpful.

"Turn it on...blah blah blah...I think it's your transmission. We don't repair those."

You're a car repair shop. What exactly do you do then???

We got all of Emily's stuff out of her car, including her sewing machine. Strangest car find ever, for anyone except for Emily. Then she kicks her car multiple times for being a butthead.


I took Emily to get food, because Panera is the best not homemade comfort food. She broke the news of her dead car to her mom.


Emily's car is still dead. There is no update on the situation. Ha.


Happy birthday Julie!!

Four short years ago, I made the trip from Stillwater to OKC on a weeknight to see my beautiful baby cousin! She's now a cute little girl, full of energy and opinions :)

Make a wish birthday girl!


Julie and Kiera played with Julie's new artist easel. Julie was amazed with her blue hands from the chalk! As you can tell, we've taught Kiera well. Go Pokes!



Cookie Decorating 101

What is this, another food post?

Nope. There's food in it, but I'm not going to pretend I came up with the recipe! Earlier this week, I was at Target (weakness) and saw a decorate your own Valentine's Day cookie kit, so I bought it. Why? Who knows. But I then remembered my mom was babysitting Julie bug and decided that would be the perfect activity for her!

She was a great little decorating buddy and took her work very seriously, doing it all by herself!

Our cookies:

Her brother, Hunter, got to enjoy these delish cookies

Speaking of Hunter, he's a cool dude. I love all my cousins, and I especially love hugs from them. Julie and Kiera sometimes get a little stingy with their hugs though. Hunter, on the other hand, always gives me hugs. One day, he got to the house and was really sleepy. I was on the couch, and he came to give me a hug, and all of a sudden he was asleep. Haha. But for real, I hope he never gets too old or too cool to give me hugs.

One more thing on my target trip. I was feeling so lazy (I'm pretty sure I wore a giant oversized sweater that day just to be comfortable) and wanted to sit in a beanbag/on the floor all day. I tweeted about it (duh). Kristen saw my tweet and we proceeded to have a short twonversation (twitter conversation? OK, I won't use it again) about needing(/wanting) bean bags. I don't remember if I posted this picture on Twitter, but these bean bags were definitely at Target that evening, and I was totes jeal of the owner of this shopping cart.

I just realized what time it is. Julie's 4th birthday party is in less than an hour, and I'm still wearing my warm pajamas...it's 23 degrees outside though, so I don't feel bad about it.


Essie is the bESStIE

Essie Nail polish has become my weakness. Haha. I never thought I'd say that about any nail polish! It goes on so well and has such great color, and it doesn't wear off easily! All the things it takes to be great in my nail polish book.

Earlier this week, I bought "a subdued, creamy coral" called E-nuf is E-nuf (probably the most red color I will ever wear). I love it.
e-nuf is e-nuf

And today, I bought "scintillating opalescence," which I'm calling shiny glitter.
Shine of the times

Me and nail polish. Oh my. It's fun, though. Currently, I'm rocking the coral-y red with the shiny glitter on one nail. Grown up with personality, I think, and really, it's not too noticeable. I like the punch of spunk you get with the one unexpected shiny glitter nail.

What are your favorite nail colors/brands?

And for my dude readers, I promise this isn't turning into a fashion blog.


Thoughts on the game: OKSTATE vs. Iowa State

I'm not a sports blogger and I don't claim to be one. If you're looking for a real sports blogger, let me save you time - go see Kyle Porter at Pistols Firing Blog. but if you want my notes from the game, here ya go.

1. Keiton Page
I understand that dudes do the butt tap when they're proud of their teammates and celebrating. But Keiton Page's twist on this is totes awk. During the butt tap, Page cups his hand, resulting in more of a squeeze. I witnessed it multiple times before and tonight it just really bugged me. You're a D1 player bro. Learn the art of the butt tap.

2. LeBryan Nash

He's the man. I'm a fan. If people would ❤ him as much as they do KP...well I don't know. But he has earned the love in my eyes. (don't hate me if I eve change my mind. My sports ❤ is based on the day.)

3. Gallagher Iba Arena

Remember this? When it was full? I miss that. I miss the rowdy. The energy. The excitement. There were like 7,000 people there tonight and I was excited. That's sad... I know they kind of stink right now and we (meaning me) don't like T-Ford or KP. But I love the Cowboys so for better or for worse, I'll still cheer and yell and get excited and be a fan. Put on your orange and cheer, buy the cheap-y $10 tickets, and just be a fan. The traffic home isn't bad so don't let that be an excuse. Show some love for those Cowboys.

That's all. I'm sure PFB will have better game thoughts up soon (if he doesn't already) so go over there now.

(all images courtesy of a google search. whoops.)

I had a dream

Last night, I attempted to stay awake to watch the Thunder game.

It worked-ish, meaning I knew what was going on and I was well aware there was overtime and the Thunder won, but I was in that half-awake half-asleep state.

During my half-asleep, we made Thunder blue cupcakes and cookies. I was a famous foodie blogger, specializing in cupcake and cookie decorating, and was sharing my tips with people on commercials. I know, I'm a weird one. I'm not a baker or a decorator.

Anyway, the recipe I dreamed of sharing was an easy confectioners sugar glaze.
1 1/4 cups confectioners' sugar
3 tablespoons milk

I looked it up this morning, and all I was missing was 1/2 teaspoon clear vanilla extract.

I'm assuming you can add color to make it Thunder blue. I don't know, because I've never made it, yet I was dreaming about it. I'm a weird one, ok?

Anyway, since apparently I was a famous foodie blogger, I thought I'd share my recipe. Maybe I'll actually make it sometime in the future, too.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="There was a lot of this used in my dream. "][/caption]


never say never.

This is not in reference to the JB person. Sick. This is in reference to my vow to never do quizzes on my blog. But this one is more of a get to know you and tell about life so I don't feel like it's a quiz...it doesn't tell you my favorite color or whatever myspeacey things you might think of. (Stolen from Always a Blogsmaid, Never a Blogger).

1) What is one of your favorite ways to spend a Saturday?
At an OSU football game, wearing America's Brightest Orange and cheering on my Cowboys with thousands of my closest friends.

2) List your top three favorite TV shows.
Thunder Basketball, After Lately and Glee.

3) Would you rather be in pictures or take them?
Be in them, with people I love. Let's capture those memories :)

4) Why do you blog?
I blog because I like to read other people's blogs. I love reading about other people's lives and pretending like we're friends and that I'm living life with them. Wow I sound really weird. Anyway, I do enjoy reading other people's blogs, and I don't want to be a sucker. I'm a giver by nature, so I want to give back to these people that I'm reading about. Not that they read my blog, but you know, if they did, there'd be something here to look at. This all sounds so silly. My brain needs to shut up. I don't want to tell someone "You should blog!" and then them say "So do you blog?" and me say no...haha. That would be awk. So I do it so that I can feel okay with essentially telling people "I want to read about your life and be bloggypals" and not sound like a nut. Oh, and I enjoy blogging too...

5) Share five websites that you visit regularly…
My Thirty One Website
AmazonDillardsJ.Crew...I'm something of an online shopping addict...
Bonus: A bunch of blogs...including these.

6) If you could have lunch with one person from your Twitter list who would it be?
Dave Ramsey. And I would bring my Daddy.

7) List a few of your favorite snacks.
Frozen Grapes
Diet Coke

8 ) Do you have a pet? If so, what kind?
Shoot, this is getting myspacey. I have a pug named Molly.

(I skipped some. Too myspacey. Sorryboutit.)

17) What’s the coolest thing you’ve done this week?
I bought a sewing machine. Yeah, I know. :) Haha. It's simple, which is what I need since I'm relearning how to sew right now!

Okay, I skipped the rest. Oops.

Today I also decorated cookies with Julie. What a solid night.

Night, ya'll. Time to watch the Thunder, and do that sleep thing.

Puppy sitting and Disney love

This weekend was fast, full and fun.

I babysat this little cutie, my 'niece' Oakley.


I worked.

I watched Beauty & the Beast 3D!

20120206-095619.jpg I love Disney movies!

I also did some pinterest projects, one being a cute orange sweater to cardigan refashion (pictured unfinished)


This made me decide I need a sewing machine, anyone have suggestions? Something easy to use preferably, I'm not a professional, but I have things to accomplish.

When I got home last night, Molly immediately became a leech. I think she was missing attention while Oakley was here.


I love that cute little pug.

I watched a little bit of the Super Commercials Bowl, and my favorite part was the brown M&M commercial. Did you have a favorite commercial? You better not say the chevy commercial, because I'm a Ford girl!

Also, if you haven't yet, hop over to Vote YES for AmPo Kids to learn about the 2012 AmPo Bond Issue, then like the Facebook page. We posted a new blog today, and a big thanks goes to David Ratcliff for writing and supporting Vote YES!


Vote YES for AmPo Kids

The last few days, I've been working on something really, really awesome.

Showing my Panther Pride.

You heard that right.

This former Lady Tiger is supporting the Panthers, and with good reason. Not only are my brothers now Panthers, but I have grown to love the Amber Pocasset community(ies?), and they have a big need. They need the 2012 bond issue to be passed, and I've been working on getting people to Vote YES for AmPo Kids!

The elementary school is growing! Wahoo! Growth is always a good thing, right? Not exactly. When you're running out of room in an already small school, you have no place to put students. This is a problem. Kids can't exactly study outside...I mean it was always fun to do on special days, but we live in Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains and takes away the paper with it. We're talking little kids, those who are just starting their learning careers. As in pre-k. So you see why new (more) classrooms are needed? Cool. Moving on.

With all this elementary school growth also comes more students to feed. Remember how I said it is a small school? Well, they happen to have a cafeteria to match. They need more space to fill up tummies of hungry students! We can't have kids eating lunch at 10am or 2pm, right? Right! So more space is needed so more kiddies can be eating lunch at once.

And like all schools in this area, we have another focus - athletics. The AmPo Panthers and Lady Panthers are kicking tail this year! It's exciting to support them. But there's a problem. Their gym was built in 1955. That is 34 years before I was born. People, this is before my parents were born! It is not very handicap accessible, which stinks for those who need accessible facilities to support our Panthers. But there is an academic need for the new gym as well. Currently, only one group can practice in the gym at a time. By having two gyms (Yes, the current one will stay!), more students can practice at the same time and more teachers will be available at times more conveniently fitting into more students' schedules, meaning students can more easily fit required classes plus electives and extracurricular activities into their schedules. Keep in mind, at small schools, people do multiple things! We don't have "just" teachers and coaches, we have superheros! We also have students who are involved in many things - FCCLA, FFA and athletics, plus they're classroom smarties!

There are so many benefits of these three things that I can't even cover them all here. They're all just swarming in my head. I have been working on their website and Facebook, and doing my best to get the 2012 bond issue passed. I've learned, while doing all this, that most people won't see a giant jump in taxes (which is what bond issues are funded by, FYI). Almost 80% of people will pay less than $10 more per month to fund new classrooms, a new cafeteria and new gym. Think about it, these towns are small...so not a giant chunk of people will be majorly affected. $10 per month, people. That's not a whole lot, and that will GIVE a WHOLE lot to a school who is desperately in need.

So maybe you don't live in the AmPo area, and you don't really care because it doesn't really affect you. Will you at least pledge to pray for the AmPo community? That hearts will be turned to see the need. That a community will come together to make a difference in the lives of future Panthers and Lady Panthers. Even if you live outside our area, check out our website and like our Facebook page. SHARE it with someone who you think would care. Has a bond issue been passed in your area, and you've seen a difference made? SHARE it with me. Get behind the 2012 bond issue. Add a button to your site.


[caption id="attachment_565" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Vote YES for AmPo Kids"]Vote YES for AmPo Kids[/caption]