
The !!!!!!!!!!!! noise

We're leaving my house in 5 hours & 30ish minutes.

We're hopping on a plane in 11 hours and 30ish minutes.

We're going here for five days:


Ooh I can't wait!!!


Number three has never felt so amazing.

Number three in the country.

While many fans may be disappointed, I am SO PROUD of the Cowboys. Incredible season. 11-1. Those boys in Stillwater have shown the country what's up this year. I'm counting down a road trip to Arizona with Matt, Momma and Cindy to watch OSU in the first BCS bowl OSU has ever played in. Talk about a special year.

Fiesta is a noun meaning party. So fitting!

This tweet was from earlier this season, but I wanted to share it.

You tell 'em the COWBOYS are coming!

My phone, of course, died during the game. No more pictures.

I just love Cowboy football. Actually, I love OSU in general. I'm so proud to be an alumna of the school sporting America's Brightest Orange. Going to Stillwater for games and activities truly does feel like going home - but somewhere special, nostalgic, incredible. I can only imagine how much this feeling will increase as the years go on.

Proud and immortal
Bright shines your name
Oklahoma State
We hearald your fame
Ever you'll find us
Loyal and true
To our alma mater


The seasons where bows appear everywhere...and I LOVE IT!

Oh how I love bows. And this season, I get to put them on EVERYTHING!

My tree will have a bow:


Of course my hair will have bows (and headbands, and other accessories). And the presents I give, I promise you, will be wearing bows. I just love bows. This post isn't actually about bows, I just wanted to let you know how much I love them.

Have you ever receive a Christmas present so awesome that it stuck with you for forever? I have, quite a few actually.

When I was little, and by that I mean really little, like a baby-toddler, I got my first dog, a pug named No-No. (This isn't No-No. Its my Molly girl. I don't have any pictures of No-No on my phone though, so Molly will have to do.)


When I was a little older, I got a horse, Rosie (Once again, not Rosie. This is Princess's mane.)


I also got a Barbie dream boat (thanks for the picture google)


In 2009 I got a guitar (quite the help for bringing me up on bad days after my accident, even if I still don't know how to play it). (again, picture from google)


The present we can all receive didn't come from Santa. It didn't wear a bow, unlike all my presents. It's something we can all have and share with others. You don't even need a black Friday or small business Saturday or cyber Monday sale to be able to afford it.

You read my blog. You know the present.

The baby who was born, lived perfectly, was crucified, buried, rose from the dead, ascended to Heaven, and is coming again.


The most wonderful gift I've ever received. The reason to celebrate. The whole reason Christmas is not just another day.

So as you wrap your presents and stick on the bows, remember who we are celebrating.


Getting crafty

Back in the day, I was a great crafter.

Actually that's a lie. I have always tried hard and put forth great effort, and produced decent-ish little cutesies, but things never seem to turn out exactly how they are in my brain.

But sometimes, I get on Pinterest, and get in trouble. I get the crafting bug. This often seems to happen in inconvenient times, like busy weeks or when I'm sick or when I'm at work. Clearly those aren't good times to pack up and head to HobLob.

Today happened to be one of those days where I just wanted to make something. Since we all know I'm not the most confident cook in the world (though I did make Matt rice crispy treat again last night), I decided cooking and subjecting mom, dad and the bros to my food wouldn't be a good idea. It being a Sunday meant my craft store of choice, Hobby Lobby, was closed. I was sufficiently bummed, but decided to craft later in the week (taking a chance the crafty bug would strike again). I called mom as I was leaving work and she gave me the best news of the night. Michael's was having a sale, and she was on her way to meet my mom, grandma, aunts and cousins to go. My mom is not a crafter so this must have been a great sale, because she is a deal-finder (for which I am thankful, by the way). I get to my aunt's, we all load up in her 'burb, and to Michael's to go. I wish I would have got a picture of my basket, or my mom's, or the car. Needless to say, we bought a lot.

Most of my purchases were clearly going to be used for the projects occupying my brain space. I got a small glittery tree for my desk and some yarn to give to my friend Cassandra, who is super talented and is making me slippers. She made me a shrug that is perfect for AmPo games too! Anyway. I also bought lots of paint, a hot glue gun (my first one - shocker- pink and zebra), bells, ornaments, a foam wreath, ribbon and some other random small things that I can't remember.

I got home and suddenly got very nervous. I had just spent a lot of money on a lot of crafts that I am historically not the best at. I couldn't wait though, so I immediately started crafting.

I'm proud to say that two entire projects are completed tonight. The other three are laying in my floor drying. I'll try to post pictures when they're done, if they turn out as cute as these:

That's a bow. It's going on top of my Christmas tree this weekend (my tree is white with mainly pink decorations). I made that bow. By. My. Self.

That's a wreath, with bells, and a bow. I don't know where it's going yet. Probably on the wall closest to my tree. Maybe by my bed. I'll figure it out later. All that matters is once again, I made it.

Accomplishment: I didn't burn myself on the hot glue gun.

So there you have it folks. I had a productive an crafty evening. I just hope the crafty bug stays long enough to finish the projects taking up my floor!

A few things I want to make:

A headband holder. I have a ridiculous obsession with things in my hair. Minimal effort, maximum cute, that's where it's at.

A horseshoe wreath. It fits my family well. Now to find horseshoes...

Pizza balls. They seem simple. I just need the confidence to try cooking again! Haha.

That's all. If you have any easy crafty or food-making suggestions, send them my way!!


I give you my Orange.

Tonight's loss to Iowa State certainly wasn't in the plan for the seemingly national-championship bound Cowboys.

Last night's loss of four members of the Oklahoma State community wasn't in the plan for anyone either.

Tonight I am thankful for the perspective of the Oklahoma State University family. Remembering the most important thing tonight isn't football, but rather, honoring and remembering the four people who were tragically lost in a plane crash. Knowing that winning a football game, having that dream season, is incredibly enjoyable, but knowing that the most heartbreaking loss this week didn't happen on a football field in Ames, Iowa. It happened in an airplane outside of Little Rock.

My prayers are with the families of Coach Budke, Coach Serna and the Branstetters. With the ladies of the Cowgirl Basketball team. With the University administration, Coach Littell and others who will be called upon for leadership and guidance in the coming days, weeks, months. With all those wearing orange.

All of us wearing orange in our hearts know that orange is more than just a color.

Orange is love. Orange is hope. Orange is family. Orange is strength. Orange is support. Orange is perseverance. Orange is together.

Orange is powerful.

I have no words to truly express my emotions and thoughts. It is heartbreaking. I pray those affected will find their source of comfort, strength and peace in God.



Ephesians 4:29.

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29.

My struggle on this isn't necessarily what comes out of my mouth, but rather what doesn't come out of my mouth or what occupies my thoughts. I'm challenging myself to be intentionally positive...something that generally comes easily to me has not recently (being positive), and that needs to change. Encouraging others and bringing joy to their lives is what I've always wanted to do, it is what I enjoy doing. Recently, I've let things steal my joy, things that really shouldn't matter - like people, or work, or whatever.

I miss being the girl who was always smiling, always laughing, always loving, always living her life to the fullest. Just because circumstances might not be ideal - which if I'm honest, most of my life is pretty ideal - I've never let that affect me.

Recently, it's the little things, the things that used to not matter a bit to me, that will steal my joy. It's the cattiness, the pettiness, the disrespect shown by people who really shouldn't, in the grand scheme of things, matter. It's things that at the end of the day, I should walk away from, not take home with me, and not let get in the way of my life, my relationships, my joy.

My God is so much bigger than all of this. My God overcame the world. In the end, He is the only one who matters. Why, then, am I letting those who don't matter, matter?

It's a battle...the battle between good and evil. It's a battle that unfortunately I've tried to fight on my own. It's a battle that I know I can't win on my own, so why try it? Why let Satan get in the way and try to steal my joy? That's all these "outside" things are. Why be who I am not? I know my identity can only be found in Christ.

"I want to live His plan for my life. I hate the chaos that ensues when...I was trying to do life on my own. I realized I'm nothing without having God as my everything." (A message I sent to a friend a while ago while discussing life plans.)

Maybe this is all just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo Shae thoughts to you, but as you've read this, I hope you see I need prayer - for strength from God to be who He wants me to be, to carry His great name, and to live the life He has planned for me, to follow His path. Being encouraging and being positive, building people up, that's more than just the nice thing to do - I have been called to live out my faith in the environment I am in, with the people I am living life with.

This being positive and encouraging thing, not letting any unwholesome talk come out of my mouth, is different than what the people I am around are used to seeing on a daily basis from others they encounter, and it is what God has called me (all Christians) to do! I've been put here for a purpose. How long I will be in this particular situation, I don't know. Is it comfortable? No. Actually, I'm sure it will not get any easier or more comfortable. But while I'm here, I want to live out that purpose. I know there are many people I am in close contact with daily who do not know Christ.

If I'm not living any different from the world, how can I make a difference for the kingdom?


passion2011 - service

As many of you know, I had the opportunity to come this weekend to Passion Conference with my church from FBC Tuttle. We are at the halfway mark & so far it is incredible.

We were broken into community groups, and from there family groups. My group was discussing specific ways we needed prayer and in what ways we were struggling to reach our world (our discussion varied a little from the talking point on the screen, I am not exactly sure what that was even).

Personally, I am finding it hard to nave a servant's heart. Its weird for me honestly because I grew up desiring to serve until there was nothing left to give. Maybe its not so much even that I'm struggling to serve as much as I'm finding it difficult to. I know its not supposed to be awaking in the park, but...

In college it was so easy to serve. Now, its really not. I still have that desire, but faced with the challenges and stress with big kid life and a job and the real world, the passion for the desire has kind of faded. There really should be no excuse though. The only difference is the age I am now getting to serve, and their location. Being out of the safeness of Stillwateris no excuse. There are people serving way out of their comfort zone worldwide, I shy away from it at home, at my job, in my family or with my friends?

So friends, what I'm asking of you today is to pray for me to passionately serve again. I have plenty of opportunities every day.

How/who are you serving? What challenges (or maybe excuses) do you face?

-shae suzanne


day 2

Day two - the person you've been the closest to the longest.

Katie (Kennedy) Voegeli - my cousin & best friend


30 day challenge...let's see if i can do this!

So none of us are going to pretend I'm good at blogging regularly, however, this whole 30 day challenge on Facebook seems easy enough that *maybe* I can do it here.

So, on day 1, you're supposed to post a picture of yourself with 10 facts...here we go!

1. My middle name is Suzanne; I'm named after my AK.
2. I have an orange bear named Orange Bear that I sleep with at night.
3. I love the books of John and Job. I know I probably shouldn't have favorites but those are just so great.
4. I love music. I know a lot of people say that, but it's really true.
5. I just got a new car. It's an orange Jeep Wrangler; the baby version of my mom's.
6. I prefer Twitter over Facebook.
7. I love Dee Henderson books but they terrify me when I read them at night...yet that's always when I read them.
8. I just recently rediscovered how much I love sheep showing. I'm so glad to be at home right now so I can be involved in my brothers' lives, especially in sheep showing.
9. Sometimes I mentally correct others' grammar while they are speaking, and it kills me to read a poorly constructed paper or professional e-mail.
10. My clock has been stuck at 4:00 for who-knows-how-long and though it really bothers me I am not inclined to change it.


These are my brothers, Kaden and Kale. I love them tremendously.

[caption id="attachment_208" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Kaden and Kale[/caption]

Kaden plays basketball and is a black belt in karate. Kale plays baseball & loves riding horses.
I'm so proud of them, and I don't think I say that enough. So Kaden and Kale, this post is dedicated to you!

I prayed every day when I was a little girl to have a little brother. When mom and dad told me they were having Kaden, I was ecstatic! Kale was just like the cherry on top three years later. Boys, no matter what you do, always trust and have faith in God. Also always remember: your sister loves you and thinks you are awesome.

♥Shae Suzanne


Confessions of a recent grad

I miss school.

There, I said it. While many of my friends are whining about walking all the way across campus in the freezing cold, I'm sitting at work wishing I was one of them!

Don't get me wrong, I am so proud of graduating early and the overall accomplishment of just graduating in general. However, I LOVED school. A lot. I loved being around people, I loved learning, I loved the environment, I loved living on my own, I loved Stillwater... I loved everything about being a student at OSU.

I really hope my friends each have a great semester - even though I'm not there to experience the ups and downs of it with you, please share them with me. I miss my friends so much - I'll be up for basketball games so catch up with me then! That being said, a few of my friends left a giant imprint on my life while I was in school - Caylee, Catie, Brittany, Kevin, Hailey, Momma Bear & Sister Bear...you guys helped make college for me. There are so many more people who were my friends that I can't list everyone here, but I can't imagine how much different it would have been without that core group of people, who, at one point or throughout my time in Stillwater, were the best of the best. I miss you guys tons. I guess technically Caylee, Momma Bear and Sister Bear have also become big kids with me, but I still miss them and they are still shining stars in my OSU memories!

Be praying for decisions I'll be making over the next weeks/months... I will be applying to grad school - I've found a program I think is a great fit & I am really excited about it. I will be transitioning into my big girl job & I want to be a witness to those around me. I know God has giant plans for me...I'm just not good at sitting on the sidelines waiting.

♥, Shae Suzanne