
Some people need a picture


A few days ago I posted a tweet saying some people need a picture. I was actually irritated with some people when I posted it, but then I started thinking.

How often do we need a picture to understand something? How to assemble something, how to properly excercise, how to operate new technology. What about how much we're loved?

What is something you need a picture to comprehend?


My friend Drew...

Is on a mission trip this summer! Check out his blog. Pray for him and the people God is using him to minister to!


Happy 4th of July!!

Thank you to all those protecting our country's freedom - and to their families!!

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July!!


'Twas the night before Friday and all through the camp, not a creature was stirring...

Except Magan.

Mag came back to the cabin at about midnight aftyer attending FBC Washington's in-cabin devo. At 12:08, she remembered she was supposed to call her mom.

"Hey I'm going to walk out front so I have service and call my mom."

She wasn't back by 12:30 so I got a little worried. I walked outside, around the cabin, to the creek. No Magan. So I had to go wake my mom up (she was cooking for the campers). Finally, at 12:40, Magan answered her phone.

"I'm on the hill kind of by the tabernacle by the bog cabin. I'm coming back though."

Keep in mind, no one was supposed to be out od the cabin at all past 11:45. Clearly, we were waaaayy past that mark!

It turned out she walked across the creek to the front of camp, out the gates, back in the gates, back around to the tabernacle, down the hill, around a corner and into a big parking lot to get service. On her way back to our cabin, which was literally across the creek, she had service the entire time. Amazingly, the "Falls Creek Police" (golf carts driving around) didn't see her. How, I don't know!

So, it's about 1 a.m. and Magan got hungry. So she dug ranch chips out of the trash can, made a triple decker mustard and bread sandwich and had a glass of tea. She finally got tired and went to sleep. Good thing too - we had to leave at 5:15 the next morning to go to work.

It's always an adventure with that Oompa Loompa.

Falls Creek 2010 - Sent

Thursday night I visited the FBC Tuttle youth at Falls Creek; what a great week it has been for them! Many of the group have come to know Christ, many have redidcated their lives, they have had awesome group prayer time, they've heard some great speakers and they have played some great volleyball! Tommy Woodard (of The Skit Guys) paid a visit to the cabin after the in-cabin devotion and the youth loved meeting him.

It was so weird not seeing James Lankford and hearing him speak! One of my favorite Falls Creek memories is when James was speaking at my church's cabin. He said "Go to the ends of the Earth." My cousin, in all seriousness, said "But James, I thought the earth was round!!"

The Skit Guys were the speakers, and they were awesome. The night I went they talked about your life script. I don't know about you all, but my life hasn't always gone as I planned. But that's just it - its not what I have planned for me, it's what God has planned. And I know his plans, the script he wrote for my life, are so much better than my best dreams.

Has your "script" been rewritten from what you had planned?

Kaden (brother) & Tommy Woodard (1/2 of The Skit Guys) at the cabin

Kaden (brother) & Tommy Woodard (1/2 of The Skit Guys) at the cabin