
Click a mouse, mend a heart.

Today I have a very special girl guest posting! Not only is she my cousin, one of my best friends, and of my Maids of Horror Honor, Magan is a hardworking young professional with a heart for others - two things I admire about her. So, without further ado, here she is!

Magan & her sister, Kiera, at last year's Heart Walk

This year I have been selected as one of my company’s team leaders for the American Heart Association's Heart Walk. I am responsible for my team of selected captains and holding them accountable for signing up walkers and helping raise money to reach our goals. My role in the Heart Walk is a bit different than last year, last year I only participated in the walk on someone else’s team and this year I will have my own team including captains and walkers. The walk is April 19th at the Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark in Downtown Oklahoma City. It is a free walk and everyone is invited and encouraged to come, you can even bring your pets! It is so much fun seeing all of these people gather and unite for the same cause. They also recognize survivors of heart disease and it is so awesome to see all of these survivors and to hear their stories. Whether you are a walker, a team captain, or a team leader the Heart Walk is so much fun and really gives you a new way to look at things.

The American Heart Association and the Heart Walk is important to me for many different reasons. My grandpa had a quadruple bypass surgery in August 2004 which very well could have saved his life. My sister was also born in 2004, right before my grandpa’s open heart surgery, him having this surgery has given him the chance to be in my sister’s life and given my sister the chance to grow up knowing her grandpa. I also have numerous other family members and friends that have been impacted by heart disease and stroke. One of my team captains had a heart attack at the age of 12 and had to have a pacemaker installed, she is now living a healthy life and has not had any major problems since the installation of her pacemaker.

 I have a great passion for the American Heart Association and the Heart Walk and want to share my passion and help it develop through others. Child obesity is currently at an all-time high and for the first time ever, our children around the age of 10 have a shorter life expectancy than we do. This breaks my heart as my sister will be 10 years old this August and I want the most healthy life for her that she could have. The American Heart Association is about more than just raising awareness for heart disease, it’s also about preventing by encouraging all humans to live a healthier lifestyle. This goes for all of the adults, it is up to us to prolong the lives of our children by teaching them to lead a healthy lifestyle. I walk for my grandpa, my family, my friends, my sister, children, those who are battling heart disease, those who have lost the battle, and my own health.

The best way to help is to donate money to the American Heart Association. Whether it be $5, $20, $100, or whatever amount you choose to give, it all goes to a great cause. And the best part is, whatever money is raised for the American Heart Association in Oklahoma, all of that money stays within our state to help fund research for stroke and heart disease. The more money we raise, the more research can be done. The more research that can be done, the more we can prevent.

My organization has a company goal of $150,000.00 this year, my personal goal is $1,000.00 and the American Heart Association’s goal for the Oklahoma City Heart Walk is $1.2 Million.

You can make a difference. An estimated 83 million U.S. adults suffer from cardiovascular diseases. More than 2,200 people die from this disease every day. Your gift of $25 gives 50 people educational materials that teach them how to personally reduce their risk of heart diseases and stroke. Your gift of $50 delivers the message of healthy nutrition to elementary school students through lesson plans and activity guides. Your gift of $100 allows one hospital to teach its patients, caregivers, and health professionals about the risks of stroke - the nation's No. 4 killer.

Support the American Heart Association and the survivors, fighters, future fighters, and those who have fought by either donating, wearing red, walking in the Heart Walk, getting information on how to live a healthier lifestyle, or all of the above.

Join me in advocating against heart disease and stroke. To make a tax deductible donation, click here now. Click a mouse, mend a heart! Thank you for your donation and support as I strive to meet our fundraising goals and I hope to see you on April 19th at the Heart Walk!!!

-Magan Link


#WeddingWednesday: Engagement Pictures

Last week I told you how much I couldn't wait to see our engagement pictures...and not even 24 hours later, they were in my inbox!! Lindsey is like a fairy, for real.

If we're Facebook friends, there's a 99% chance you've already looked at all of them. Before you go any further, go watch this video that she put together of our engagement session - we were having so much fun!

Did you watch it?

Okay good.

Now I'll share a few of my favorite pictures :)

I think this is the one she asked him what his favorite thing is that I make. You guys, I make some really awesome Rice Krispy Treats. His answer? When I pick up pizza. Clearly I've got some work to do in the culinary department.
L. Lenae Photography
L. Lenae Photography
L. Lenae Photography

Don't worry - I got him back right about here when she asked me what my favorite thing is that he makes... Chic-fil-a for the win!
L. Lenae Photography

Isn't Lindsey just the greatest!? I told her I wanted to sing a song about how awesome she is. I am SO excited she's going to be photographing our wedding in May! I just know she's going to capture all the most amazing parts. Hop over to her blog to see more pictures of our engagement session (along with more of her work, of course)!!  

PS that awesome hair I'm rocking? Courtesy of Miss Magan LaNae Link. Talented cousin I have (and she didn't even pay me to write this...yet). 




Happy #WeddingWednesday! This update is such a fun week to share :)

On Sunday, we took our engagement pictures!! I loved meeting our wonderful photographer and her husband! Lindsey is absolutely the sweetest and I cannot wait to see all the engagement pictures (and wedding, too, of course!)! She posted a few sneak peek pictures on Facebook - go check them out and like her page (I'm only sharing one here because I REALLY want you to go look and like her page!!).
follow her on Instagram, too!
Other awesome news from the week... We closed on our house yesterday!! We are so excited - you can look forward to many posts about this in the future! 

In front of our house! 

In our living room - I had to "decorate" something!

Dad & Matt figuring out the fire place

We had to paint over those two hideous crimson letters!!

Our realtor and the previous owner both left sweet gifts for us! 
Our parents and siblings met us at the house after we closed, and we both enjoyed getting to show it off to them. I told you this was an fun week! 


Weekend Recap

The sun is shining in Oklahoma, ya'll!! I am so excited that my sunglasses are actually doing something than accessorizing my face while I drive down the road. I love winter, but I am welcoming this burst of warmth and sunshine with a party of glitter after the crazy cold we've had.

Since Valentine's Day was Friday, I attempted to make some sweet treats for my sweetheart. Mom suggested I put a spin on my rice krispy treats - the ONE thing I am always good at making - and make them into the shape of Kisses.

It was such an epic fail that I didn't even take a picture. Let's just say, the shape of the funnel matters - my local Walmart only had one funnel shape available (in all of the home and auto sections). 

See the indentions on the side of the funnel? That meant it was not going to be perfectly symmetrical like a normal funnel would be. Even wrapped in foil, my rice krispy creation did not look ANYTHING like the giant oversized kisses linked above. #fail. Thankfully, the ugliness didn't affect the taste that I know of. Kaden and Kale (and dad...and mom...and me) happily finished one pan of them while I gave another to Matt. 

Now, my baking wasn't a complete failure. I did successfully make Chocolate Kiss Cookies! Not all of them were absolutely beautiful, but I have on good record that they are delicious. Not bad for stepping out of my rice krispy box and trying to make something new! This is proof that Matt will not, in fact, starve when we get married. He'll be full of treats. 

Matt surprised me by showing up at work - in the middle of a crazy busy morning - with beautiful flowers! I couldn't stop smiling. 

Since we are closing on our house tomorrow, Matt has something planned for Valentine's Day this week. He let me pick what else to do on Friday night, and since K had a game at Minco, I decided we needed to go to the game! Plus, it meant we could visit Tate & Lori :)

Saturday, we went to look at tuxedos for the wedding! We picked what we wanted, and they said if we'd visit them at the Bridal Show on Sunday, we could get half off two rentals. Deal.

Decisions being made, ya'll!! :) 
When did I give you permission to look so grown up, K?
After all that excitement, we ate lunch with my parents and looked at refrigerators. We also picked up a can of spray paint, and I'll be sure to post an update on that...project...soon :) We have a little fixing up to do! 

On Sunday, after Magan did my hair & makeup, Matt & I ran to the bridal show to get our discount. And ran is almost literal - I was in and out in about 5 minutes. We had important things to get to! We had the final walkthrough at the house at 1:00, and had to leave there by 1:30...

...because we were headed to Stillwater!! We had engagement pictures yesterday, and now I'm stalking our photographer's Facebook until the preview is posted (and I mean that in a totally non creeper way). She was SO wonderful to work with and had both of us cracking up. I can't wait to see our pictures!

No trip to Stillwater is complete without a Barn Coke.
When we got back to town, we celebrated the silliest 6 year old I know! Julie had a dream party - Barbie gifts, Barbie cake, and a family who loves her to pieces :) 

Tomorrow I have the Blog Baton on Instagram - be sure to follow along


all you need is...

a new iPhone background! Oh, and love. Love is all you need.

click here for more backgrounds
And maybe some fancy coffee definitely some fancy coffee. Speaking of, Starbucks is doing buy one get one this afternoon from 2-5.

Happy Valentine's Day, ya'll!

Red River, NM - December 2013



Since I promised Tiffany I would do a little blogging about the wedding plans, I figured this is a good way to start! We have 80 days to go (whoa!) and are definitely in planning mode.

We're taking engagement pictures on Sunday! I am so excited to meet our photographer and see what fun we have taking the pictures. We've picked out outfits - well, Matt has, at least. I have a dress to wear but I need something casual, too (suggestions??). When we first talked to Lindsey, she said to start a Pinterest board with some of our favorite examples so she can get a feel for what we like - so I'm sharing a couple of our favorite ideas today!

Since we are planning to take the pictures in Stillwater, of course I searched for a few on library lawn! I love this shot so much.

Matt's favorite that we've found is this one:
I bought cute chalkboards so we can recreate that one - we found one with chalkboards but it seems to have disappeared from Pinterest!

What are your favorite engagement pictures ideas? I can't wait to share our pictures! :) 



Rather than being all


about it being Monday, cloudy and freezing, I've decided to take a page out of my Brenna's book and celebrate monograms! If I woke up every day to accessorize with monograms and could just stare at cute puppies until about 10:00 am I am pretty sure I would be a happy camper.

In honor of the Olympics (Go #Merica! USA! USA! USA!), I decided today's #MonogramMonday will feature red, white & blue monograms, obviously appropriate to wear while cheering on our fellow Americans during the Winter Games!

Since everything is better with a bow, why not wear a cute blue & white star bow with a red monogram?
Even though here in Oklahoma it's a little gross cloudy, I see sun on the 7-day. I have some star-shaped sunnies, courtesy of Michaels during 4th of July, that might have to make an appearance. But these monogrammed ones? 10x cooler.

Marley Lilly

Yet another Marley Lilly find, these monogrammed 'Merican Made Spirit Jerseys are perfect. As in, must-have perfect.

Marley Lilly

If the temperatures actually get as warm as they're supposed to this weekend (because 50 is totally a heatwave, ya'll), some outside time will be necessary. Since it's only appropriate to have a game to play while watching the Winter Games, how perfect is this?! Tailgate for #Merica! 

I promise this isn't a Marley Lilly sponsored post, they just have all the best #USA products! I think this cup would be perfect to keep my sweet tea cold. 
again, via
My iPhone and iPad both got an update - if you'd like #MericaForTheGold iPhone & iPad backgrounds with your monogram, email me at shaeken@oketatealumni.org. I'm back on the ball, ya'll, so other custom requests are welcome, too - I'd love to create something perfect just for you :) 

Be sure to stop by Brenna's to check out her #MonogramMonday post - she actually MADE everything in her post, and my talented friend is setting up an Etsy shop! That ring dish she posted is calling my name.

PS - Amber's only favorite restaurant, Ken's Steaks & Ribs, is up for Best BBQ Joint in the Best of Chickasaw Country!!!! Help them win by voting every day!