
#PGP: What Spring Break?

So while all the college kids are whining about going back to school this week, I'm wondering what this rumored spring break is you're talking of. The beach, in the middle of March? Not waking up at 6am every day? Oh, yes, it's another #PGP. So, welcome back to reality and enjoy the time you have left in college before joining all the alumni in the working world and thinking Spring Break was something you had to have made up at some point.

Friday night, as with many spring breakers coming back from fun trips, I was on the brink of tears. The bracket I submitted to our office pool was falling to pieces, just hours after I bragged about how well I was doing. Of course. The brightest spot of the night? Watching OU lose and snuggling with my Molly girl. It's the little things.

I finally got my camera back Saturday! It's been in & out of the shop since before Christmas, and they sent it to Canon since apparently the Blue Screen of Death was more than they could handle. I got it back just in time since I have an event this week where I'm playing paparazzi. I've never been so happy to have my camera back in my possession, by the way. Along with picking up my camera, I made a stop at Target to pick up a few things, including this cup that I had to have:

buy one from Target here.

There's not a better way to drink sweet tea than out of a mason jar, and this one is perfect to take everywhere with me! The rest of Saturday was spent playing with Thabo, celebrating Hunter's birthday and watching movies with Matt. Pretty solid day!

If you are looking for a church to attend next week, join FBC Tuttle for the Easter service! We'll also be streaming live at new.livestream.com/fbctuttle. I'm the girl behind the screen, so if you have any difficulties joining the service, just let me know.

Now I'm off to bed, because not only did I not have a spring break, I also get to be at work before 7:30 for meetings tomorrow. Again, #PGP. Don't grow up, friends. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'd really like a Spring Break as well. :/
