

My new job (can I still call it new almost three months later? good.) means my dad and I work just a few miles apart and he gets the honor of driving to work with me a few times a week. Unfortunately, dad's job sometimes means staying late, as we had to yesterday. Not a big deal, since I needed to make a HobLob stop on my way. Since he wasn't quite ready to go when I got there, I got to visit his office!

Let me tell you. His office is something to aspire to*. Not only is it giant, but it includes a nice chess set in one corner AND a putting green. The best part? It is practically dedicated to my awesomeness.

; ;
; ;

In addition to all the pictures, Daddy's office contains no less than three crafts made by yours truly (and if he doesn't watch it he'll end up with more!).

Dad, thank you for all the hard work you have put in over the years to provide for our family. God has truly blessed us.

*If you want all the work that comes along with it. Ehhhhh.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! And the fact that he has sheep show clippings all over the place.....awesome.
