
Merry Christmas!

Guys, Thanksgiving is so last week. Don't get me wrong, I will continue to be very thankful (even if I did skip a thanksgiving post...oops), but it's now time for one of my top three (along with Fourth of July & Homecoming) favorite holidays: Christmas.

Of course, as you know, I like receiving presents (ahem, mom). But that is most definitely not even close to the reason I love Christmas so much.

First and foremost, it is the celebration of the birth of Christ! We all know how much I love birthdays, and celebrating the birthday of my Savior is just too great for words.

Second, I love all things glittery and sparkly. Every year until now, I've had a white & hot pink tree. This year, I went a little more traditional with a green pre-lit tree, and I still need to get a few more ornaments, but I just love the twinkle of the lights. I might probably definitely even sleep with it on because I love it so much!

And let's not forget the giving of gifts. One of my favorite things to do, any time of year, is find something that I think will make someone important to me happy and give it to them. It could be as silly as a funny picture to text them or as random as something I know they've been wanting or as exciting as tickets to a game or as delicious as their favorite foods. It doesn't matter to me what I give, I just love selecting and giving things to bring happiness.

Let me tell you a little secret: I'm terrible (clearly) at keeping secrets though. Which is a reason I immediately have to give people presents when I buy them! Christmas presents are definitely difficult for me to keep quiet about, no matter if they are silly or awesome. In fact, one of the presents under my tree is my mom's and she already knows exactly what it is because I was bragging to her about everything I bought and she called me on buying this present. But you, blog friends, I am determined not to tell you what this present is, even though I almost typed it three times. I will keep every other present a secret from the receiver. I hope. Haha.

Anyway, as I type this, I sit right next to my tree, surrounded by ribbon and bows (which, in my opinion, no Christmas present is complete without), tape and wrapping paper. I was just so excited that I HAD to stop what I was doing (wrapping more presents from day 1 of my shopping adventures) and share with you immediately.


What is your favorite part of the holiday? I'm quite sure I'll share more of my favorite things about Christmas time as the month goes on (but no present secrets!).


Hairy Bear

My cousin JerBear is "home" from school for the weekend and mentioned he needed a haircut this evening. Being adventurous, I offered to do it for him. He quickly accepted, not realizing I've only given "haircuts" to show lambs. It turned out okay though, and now I'm basically a professional. Who's next?



Just pretend this is as awesome as last year's party.

Last year, I wanted to make sure my parents knew exactly how much I love them. I (with a little help) threw them a fantastic party to celebrate 25 years of marriage. All I have to say for my weak display of party pants this year is "I still love you but I need to save a few more years to throw another party like that. Here's a gift card to the Dollar Menu." 😊 Of course, I'm mostly kidding, but I do want to take a second to celebrate the 26th anniversary of the day they said "I do."

As I said, last year, with the help of my grandparents and aunt, Kaden, Kale and I got to invite my parents friends and family to celebrate with us at Remington Park. I learned I'm terrible at keeping big secrets (mom might have known about it a little early), but I think they had a good time celebrating anyway.

I love you, Daddy and Momma. I am so thankful for your faithfulness to each other, our family and the Lord. I hope to one day have a marriage filled with as much overflowing love and happiness as the example you have shown. Happy 26th anniversary!!!

And Daddy, one more thing:


Happy 3 year liviversary to me!

I have a feeling most of you might not know what a "liviversary" is, so I'll let you in on it: a living anniversary.

Exactly three years ago, at 8:46 a.m. on Thursday, November 19, 2009, my life was changed drastically. While crossing Duck at Miller walking to Shelly Sitton's 9:00 a.m. class, I was hit from behind by a girl driving a pickup truck. Do the math, I shouldn't be alive; typically when a big truck hits a little girl she doesn't walk away. But I am, therefore I am thankful. Every day since the accident, and especially on the day of my liviversary, when I look at the scars on my wrist and knee, I am reminded once again of the life God has blessed me with. Through it all, God was faithful. This is the first year I've also been able to celebrate being 100 percent pain-free, so that is yet another reason for joy! For background, read my one year post or my old blog.

Guys, one thing I learned from the accident is to live, hence me calling it my liviversary.


My advice: Live fully. Take chances. Love deeply. Enjoy the little things. Find your passion. Thank God daily. Smile through the pain, no matter what, because if you are breathing, you are alive. God has a purpose for you. Seek Him and find that purpose. Make a difference in this world. You are a beautiful creation. Just live.


Another week of things I'm thankful for.

This week, I thought I'd share a few more things I'm thankful for. Hopefully you are a little understanding in my silliness...it's Thursday, y'all.

I thankful for Oklahoma. I really love this place. It is beautiful and the sunsets can't be beat. Aside from the crazy weather, there's nothing I would change. I mean, hello, we have the Thunder.

You know what is awesome? Rice Krispy treats. You know why? they are super easy to make and I've never, to my knowledge, ruined a batch of rice Krispy treats.

Another thing I am thankful for today, or rather, a person I am thankful for today, is my twin. We share a brain, a love for glitter, and a background in sheep showing. I love her for a million reasons, including her support, advice, and of course, her tiny human. She knows all the good and bad, and yet she still sticks right my my side.

As most of you know, I am an injury waiting to happen. I fact, as I told a friend earlier this week, I considered renaming my blog "the injury report" due to the number of injuries my family and I seem to accumulate. So another thing I'm thankful for: doctors, band aids, knee/ankle/wrist braces, crutches, Tylenol and all the other things that allow us to carry on with life as usual at the Kennedy house.

If you follow me on twitter or know me in real life, you know I have a serious thing with germs. The twitter people probably have gathered by this point that everyone I work with has been sick lately and I have been avoiding catching their sick germs...to the point I bought Lysol, Clorox, hand sani and emergen-c. I am thankful for hand sani, especially the kind with aloe, because it helps prevent spreading germs...and that aloe comes in handy when you use hand sani as frequently as I do!

My favorite accessory, is definitely a smile. Coming in at a close second is definitely nail polish. There is just something about having my nails look cheerful that just puts me in a good mood. Essie nail polish is definitely my favorite, as I've told you several times before. So, though I miss Le and the awesome job he did on my nails, I am very glad Essie is so reliably awesome.

Guys, as much as I love my job, I also love staying up late on a Friday and sleeping in on a Saturday. I also enjoy weekend things, like football and sweats. This is sounding really lazy, but I work hard during the week and I don't mind admitting that occasionally on a weekend I would like to wear pajamas and drink hot chocolate all day. That's not happening this weekend - it's a Cowboy football weekend, yet another great thing that comes after Friday. So today, I am very thankful tomorrow is Friday. :)

all images via Pinterest



It's November, meaning Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and many Facebookers and Tweeters have taken up posting something they are thankful for every day. Well, as you know, daily posting isn't always my thing (except on Twitter...). Instead, I thought I would share a few things here 😊

First and foremost, I am thankful for salvation. I would be nothing without the love and forgiveness of Christ.

Along with salvation comes prayer. How amazing is it to have an open line of communication with the creator of all things, 24/7?

My dear family, as nutty as you all are, I am thankful for each of you. :)
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You might think you have the best friends on earth, but you're wrong. Sorry, I've claimed those people along the way. 😊

I am thankful for the work ethic instilled in me growing up, and for the opportunity to be involved in agriculture.

Speaking of work, I really enjoy social media - yes, it helps me stay connected to people, but it also is a very gigantic part of my job, and everyone loving it so much keeps me employed every day.

And speaking of my job, I am so thankful I've have a job that allows me to make a difference in the lives of my fellow Oklahomans every day.

What are some things you're most thankful for?

all images via pinterest


Go AmPo!

Friday evening was the big night - Kaden's first basketball game on the varsity team. I've been counting down for the last couple of weeks because I was so excited about it! He's going to have our family busy this season - two nights of junior high basketball a week and two nights of varsity basketball - plus Kale's team still has a few more games to go. Welcome to the busiest (and best) time of the year.

Before the game, he looked a little nervous, and very ready to just get the show on the road :) It was a little strange to see his name up on the board - when did he get old enough for that?
Kaden before his first HS Basketball game Kaden's name on the board

He played so well, ending up with two rebounds and a foul. Mom was doing the clock and I was keeping stats on the iPad, so thankfully my friend Megan came along to help document with pictures!
Playing great defense Block out!

AmPo came from behind to defeat Calumet 47-45, holding Calumet to only 5 points in the last quarter. The girls team also won 69-27. Thanks to everyone who voted YES for AmPo kids earlier this year, this is planned to be the last season opener in the current gym! What a way to mark it. The Panthers demonstrated excellent teamwork and they all played awesome! I was one proud sister :)
Kaden Kennedy after the AmPo Panthers defeated Calumet 47-45 on 11-2-12
